by michaeltroina | Jun 2, 2021 | Blog, Marketing Analysis, Marketing Analytics, Michael Troina
Analytics are crucial in making sure that marketing campaigns go smoothly. However, it’s easy for seasoned marketers to make mistakes that affect the data they are getting or the data they have already received. This can cause marketing campaigns to go horribly...
by michaeltroina | Apr 30, 2021 | Blog, Marketing Analysis, Marketing Analytics, Michael Troina
The last decade has seen a surge in the growth of podcasting. The rising demand for on-demand content fueled the appetite for podcasting. Moreover, this decade has seen smartphones adopted by a greater population. Content creators made podcasts their preferred medium...
by michaeltroina | Feb 4, 2021 | Blog, Marketing Analysis, Marketing Analytics, Michael Troina
Analytics has been a big buzzword for several years now. Many people don’t quite understand them. But the truth is, analytics is all about making data useful. Useful data analytics tell companies about their customer base, their stores, online presence, and...
by michaeltroina | Jun 29, 2020 | Blog, Marketing Analysis, Michael Troina
The best way to enter an industry or niche is to analyze it, but many companies make the mistake of beginning a business without understanding its existing marketing conditions. Businesses benefit from finding out the threats, opportunities, and strengths of the...
by michaeltroina | May 28, 2020 | Blog, Marketing Analytics, Michael Troina
Businesses are cutting expenses wherever possible to reduce the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. This reduction in costs includes advertising and marketing analytics. As marketers reinvent and adapt to the changes in consumer spending and limited budgets,...